(513) 423-4629 | office@myfumc.net

Christ our life, service our lifestyle

Get Connected :::


Upon your first visit, if you think you want to try out some programs or you just want to know more about what is going on, look for the bright colored piece of paper in your bulletin. You can fill that out with questions, a comment or a request to have someone contact you. You can give us all the information on the card that we ask for or just a little bit. Whatever you are comfortable sharing.

If you would rather avoid all the fuss for your first few Sundays, that’s OK, too. Don’t fill out anything, don’t hand it in, you can completely fly under the radar and we will understand. We are glad you decided to worship with us and believe that God loves everyone whether they fill out a card or not! We do hope that eventually you will want to know more and by giving us your information we can get to know you better and how we can help you become an active part of Christ’s community as we learn together.

Check out our NEW informational brochure, includes service times and a list of church programs and outreach. Click here to view and  download.